Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Nice boss shame about the rest of the day.

It's 2.30pm and my nice boss is working the rest of the afternoon for me. He came in at lunch and we caught up on stuff and he let me go at 2pm. That's really good. Four hours is about all I can really manage. It wasn't so bad.
I brought in cheese and tomato sandwich wrapped in alfoil and toasted it up on the wood stove as I do sometimes. It was yummy. I had miso and a cup of tea. I did .... stuff.

I fought the bank and the bank won.
Dastardly time wasting little shits.

What the hell IS a dastard anyway?


Blogger emmajeans said...

[Middle English, probably alteration of Old Norse dæstr, exhausted, from past participle of dæsa, to languish, decay.]
according to this site, anyway!

7:10 PM  
Blogger Polysemous said...

you're nice, emma.

my knee hurts and I don't want to work tomorrow. I am daestred.

(languishing, decaying)

9:54 PM  

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