Monday, June 26, 2006

Trouble with a morning brief.

My boss is nice. He rang last night to see if there was anything he could do. He's going to be looking after the Bugsplat Visitor Centre for me this morning, until noon. That's really helpful. It's given me this time, here, now, with you, and time to mooch about the house and to take my time getting ready - to shower (which is really scary with my knee) and to dress.
Calypso, I LOVE YOU, babe. I can put my shoes & socks on all by myself while my leg is in an immobilising brace. You're the reason we can do that. You get an art class next term too. In fact you get whatever art stuff and dance stuff you want. Only, lay off the dancing for a few weeks, wouldya? I've only got two knees.
Oh, excuse me, talking to my buddy.

So, my boss (el Presidente) is nice. My job however, stinks. Well, not my job. My job is great. People stink. That's the problem. The nasty one's (henceforth to be known as "White Ant") little crusade has found some followers and her constant criticism finds ears. All weekend I've been dealing with crap.

I did learn something. Beware of people who 'spin' for a living. They have an immense capacity for self-deception. They can be trapped into positions by skillful operators such as the white ant. The logic loop by which my friend (*sigh*) Naomi was trapped goes as follows;
1. I do not make mistakes.
2. A mistake was made.
3. Given a choice between two possibilites; a) that I made a mistake or b) that polly made a mistake see 1.

All the white ant had to do was make it a case of either it's Naomi's fault or it's polly's fault and Naomi cheerfully called for my head. Thanks, babe. Nice going.

(It's actually white ant's fault, of course, but since when has that ever stopped her.)
I think I'm giving her too much psychic attention again.
She loves nothing more than a good stoush.

So, here I am at home, and it's just gone 10. I'm going to get my breakfast and make a few calls. Gotta couple more dancers left to call. And I'll want to check in with el Presidente at some point. Is it evil of me to recognise that painful and distressing as my knee injury is there is some work-related advantage? Such as - it humanises me to all the people who have been told by the white ant what a vicious/deceitful/incompetant/right-wing/bully I am. And, other people (the board, my boss, Naomi) are forced to realise that I am human and have limitations and get sick and might want a holiday one day.

I'm just observant. That's not evil.
Opportunistic, yes, but surely not evil.


Blogger Eight Lives Left said...

I've had a very hard day at work, too, Trouble. I'm feeling a lot of sympathy with you.

I'm observant as well. It gets me in trouble.

I hope you're doing well.


3:26 AM  

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