Sunday, December 31, 2006

Working on it.

Life after the Bugsplat Visitor Centre - what will that be like?
I'm working on keeping a positive attitude.

Last night Gray took me (& Sausage & a few other girls) to see "Monster House" at the outdoor screening in Littlesplat. It was a lot of fun. Sausage sizzle. Guess who likes that?

According to Gray she "over-identified" with the giantess. She (sausage) was ~supposed~ to identify with the children. Well that didn't happen. We (dungeon I'm talking about) haven't exactly had a happy childhood what with the whole locked in a cellar for twenty years thing.
(Though it wasn't all bad. The fighting was good. The camaraderie. Sometimes I even miss it.)

Last night was a lot of fun anyway.


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