Sunday, October 29, 2006

Putting Bugsplat on the map.

Last time I wrote here was the day we moved into the new building.

God I have been a stressed out and distressed and anxious Manager ever since.

There has been so much to do and unpack and re-establish order and organise and volunteers leaving because of family stuff and jobs and then a whole new board and a grilling by the new auditor who had been set against me by Ms A. (via a chain of vulnerable newbies) while I was on holiday. Etc.

So the board meeting last week was eventful. Nothing like getting a 16 point long list of demands from the auditor and sitting there in front of the whole board saying;
"err.. we already do that." or explaining why it's not possible.
There was a kind of burst balloon feeling in the air by the end. I think I might have come across as some kind of ball-breaking hellbitch, which just isn't politic in this somewhat old fashioned state.

And this situation is not his fault except for being gullible. Who would expect that deep in the tiniest of hicksville Bugsplat lurches a Machiavellian menace of such breathtaking cunning that even her victims must pause to admire the handiwork? He'll know now. Not for nothing Agatha Christie set her murder mysteries in little villages of one pub, and two churches.

Other than that, we've been putting Bugsplat on the map. The project is going brilliantly. I expect you all to visit. Gray is working furiously. Me too. See you next time I get a moment.


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