Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Trouble out of luck.

Poll also seen elsewhere: Should I rename this journal?
When I won't be Trouble at Work and I will be shit out of luck.

It's hard to go to work with enthusiasm now. I'm sad about losing my job. I know I resigned, but it wasn't really my choice. I probably would have stayed and fought to keep it, but other polly made other choices, and I'm not at odds with them about it, but it doesn't feel like it was my decision. Oh, welcome to the wacky world of being multiple, says someone, Shell probably, or Just Jo. It was strange typing up the advertisement. This is what I wanted to type:

New blood wanted for a high-turnover, overworked, underpaid position in which you will be expected to take crap from absolutely everyone.
ps. beware especially of Miss Anthrope who will steal your paperwork and tell great big fibs about you and Mr and Mrs Manky of Manky Towers who will blame you personally for the fact that tourists are frightened of their rude behaviour and manky premises.

I've had another other job before this one - waitressing at the Palace. We got a phonecall about a retail job that paid properly, but it was too soon to think about it and there's something we don't think we could handle about it. Not sure what. Just Jo was pitching herself (us) to the National Park big boss who came in the other day. That' s not really up to me. I don't know what I am, but I'm not the person Just Jo was pitching. She said it was more a habit than a real idea anyway - he happenned to be there, she happenned to think she needed a job therefore.. but it's not HER who is up to working, it's me.

At least, I was.
It's very confusing.
Maybe I need to take this to Had a Dolly where I'm told the acceptable angst quotient is very high indeed. What directions?
Here: sickskettle.blogspot.com


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