Sunday, December 31, 2006

Working on it.

Life after the Bugsplat Visitor Centre - what will that be like?
I'm working on keeping a positive attitude.

Last night Gray took me (& Sausage & a few other girls) to see "Monster House" at the outdoor screening in Littlesplat. It was a lot of fun. Sausage sizzle. Guess who likes that?

According to Gray she "over-identified" with the giantess. She (sausage) was ~supposed~ to identify with the children. Well that didn't happen. We (dungeon I'm talking about) haven't exactly had a happy childhood what with the whole locked in a cellar for twenty years thing.
(Though it wasn't all bad. The fighting was good. The camaraderie. Sometimes I even miss it.)

Last night was a lot of fun anyway.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

And the black tiara.

Update: Well, thank you girls. Yes, as a matter of fact, I may very well have been feeling a bit sensitive what with the whole having to leave the job I love thing. So... thanks. I do appreciate it.

From ass to arse, at last.

Geeky glory to ME.
I see those luddites don't mind stealing my geeky glory at Wants A Cracker.
Me I say, ME.

And how annoying is it that after eighteen months of slaving away I only discover this fix four weeks before I'm due to walk out the door?
Are you proud of me? Please be proud of me.
In the jewellry box that is back in our life again (it arrived with all our stuff a week ago) I found a blue box and in it was a blue frog brooch. Gray gave that to Sausage. She was the one they all thought would be 'it'. I found a white star too. That's mine. First I secretly bought that for myself and then I pretended that Gray had given it to me. I was jealous of Sausage getting that blue frog. Maybe I was jealous of Sausage being the annointed one. Maybe I'm not a very nice person. Then I told Gray about it and he took it away. Then he gave it to me, this time for real. I was so scared that the other dungeon barn would find out that I made him promise never ever to tell anyone that he hadn't really given it to me straight away.
I will miss having a job.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Trouble out of luck.

Poll also seen elsewhere: Should I rename this journal?
When I won't be Trouble at Work and I will be shit out of luck.

It's hard to go to work with enthusiasm now. I'm sad about losing my job. I know I resigned, but it wasn't really my choice. I probably would have stayed and fought to keep it, but other polly made other choices, and I'm not at odds with them about it, but it doesn't feel like it was my decision. Oh, welcome to the wacky world of being multiple, says someone, Shell probably, or Just Jo. It was strange typing up the advertisement. This is what I wanted to type:

New blood wanted for a high-turnover, overworked, underpaid position in which you will be expected to take crap from absolutely everyone.
ps. beware especially of Miss Anthrope who will steal your paperwork and tell great big fibs about you and Mr and Mrs Manky of Manky Towers who will blame you personally for the fact that tourists are frightened of their rude behaviour and manky premises.

I've had another other job before this one - waitressing at the Palace. We got a phonecall about a retail job that paid properly, but it was too soon to think about it and there's something we don't think we could handle about it. Not sure what. Just Jo was pitching herself (us) to the National Park big boss who came in the other day. That' s not really up to me. I don't know what I am, but I'm not the person Just Jo was pitching. She said it was more a habit than a real idea anyway - he happenned to be there, she happenned to think she needed a job therefore.. but it's not HER who is up to working, it's me.

At least, I was.
It's very confusing.
Maybe I need to take this to Had a Dolly where I'm told the acceptable angst quotient is very high indeed. What directions?

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

And another.

Then there's the incident (I think I'll call it the 'cut down to size' incident) two weeks ago with ~those~ people.

Ah, I won't miss ~those~ people.

Any day now and I'll be free to be rude BACK to them.
And won't that be fun.
And rather a surprise for them too I gleefully imagine.


then... I can just think of the other night. At the board meeting. Another great reason to quit.

A piece of paper.

There's a piece of paper;
"Areas of concern re possible audit"

See, anytime at all in the future if I get that little twinge of 'did I do the right thing?' and if I think about my beautiful office and my suits and having money for Calypso to do yoga and all the good things... all I have to do is read that piece of paper and I know.

Yes. I did the right thing.

What a bunch of cake-sniffers.