Thursday, August 03, 2006

Angela at work.

Today being Thursday, my day off, my best volunteer Angela was at work. I went in to help her organise the jobs she had to do today. God that place is a mess. We were supposed to have gone in February, it's now August. Delays, delays. We should be packing up to go. We should be finished three projects that are still incomplete. Office equipment keeps failing. I'm not supposed to chop wood coz of my knee. Last week there was not a scrap left, and I so I had to chop it, and it hurt, and I felt stupid and angry because jesus - it's my knee. This week I arrived to find the wood supply once again depleted and I felt really despairing until Rocky, my old boxing teacher who doesn't teach anymore, came in and chopped a heap for me. Wood just goes so fast.
One day soon we'll be in the new building. It has to happen soon. Not that I'm really in a hurry. The delay is actually working okay for me. I'm really starting to understand things. Now that I'm less distracted by Ms A. And I managed the artefact handover smoothly, and I've solved lots of problems and got heaps of systems reorganisted. The less winter spent over there in the (as yet unheated) new building the better, really, so... perhaps this is all just fine. I'll but a heater in under the desk, by my feet, and a fan in the corner, and I'll have the prettiest office in Bugsplat. Pictures. Pretty plant. Framed photograph of my dog, Friday. Whiskey bottle in the drawer. Stash of chocolate. Yeah!


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