Sunday, July 30, 2006

Shooting chores IS fun.

I've reduced the opening hours a lot. From 40.5 (4 + 6.5 + 6.5 + 6.5 + 6.5 + 6.5 + 4) when we started down to .. let's see .. 30 (4 + 0 + 4+ 4 + 6 + 6 + 6) but it hasn't just been reductions - I've increased the opening hours on our busiest day. It's always bugged me that we closed at 2pm on Saturday. Saturday afternoon is probably the busiest time for visitors in Bugsplat.

The resistance to change here is so strong that in order to make this change I've had to take Saturdays myself, for now. Once I have us all moved over to the new building things will be different. Hah.

*sneers unattractively*

(yes, actually, there is such a thing as an ~attractive~ sneer. thea)

Pipe down, peanuts. You have your own gallery. Go draw your wits there.

I like malapropisms.

The local MP-type person, the Member for Splat is always saying things like;
'that takes the kettle' instead of 'that takes the cake'.
He's funny.
The journalists at the Weekly Splat don't notice.
Thea dribbles in rage when she reads it.
( "How about that war then?" Is. Not. Editorial. Comment.)
I think she likes it.
(I do not, you little grot. Much.)
just jo: You do like saying "Reckless endangerment of punctuation."
(Yes. Maybe I do.)

Pipe down. Go and write something at Tricks of Memory.

mental note: attempt to do the linking schmizzle to Tricks of Memory at some point
mental note: give Thea the bird
mental note: give Thea the really disgusting one with several fingers involved
mental note: continue to describe it as 'bird' rather than 'finger' which she would prefer because she is an anglo-centric broomstick butt who hates americanisms.
mental note: this is fun
mental note: block Thea's attempts to google 'schmizzle' in an attempt to prove that it is inappropriate for us to use that word
mental note: this is STILL fun

Ah. It's been a good day for me so far.

Last night was the Bugsplat Visitor Centre Quiz Night and we made lots of money. That is very good. We got home late and tired, but thanks to our great new schedule we have today AND tomorrow free for chores and fun. We might go out to our block (yet to be named - that task/honour has been given to Hinchinbrook... so... um... don't.... hold ....... your.... breath... ) if it isn't too wet. To record. Gray is recording nature sounds for his job. He's a sound engineer now. Isn't he clever? Whatever next?

We went out to lunch together at the Chandelier Cafe. It was fab. It's Sunday afternoon now and laundry calls. Calypso, contain your excitement.


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